Discovering myself through this journey called Postpartum Depression. Here are my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and insights as felt through this sometimes debilitating disorder.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Expressing Myself is MY Prerogative!

I am extremely angry right now.

It is MY prerogative and mine alone to choose if and how I want to express myself. If you don't want an insight into what I think, how I feel, my beliefs or lack thereof than don't read my Facebook status or my blog. Those two forms of social media are mine. I can say what I want without care of what others may think.

Some people choose to express themselves in other ways. Some dive into music or the arts. For some, it's a hobby. Some cook, bake, or clean. Some shave off the entire eyebrows. Now THAT is extreme. But for me, I use Facebook and my blog as my outlet. I certainly don't rant the way I sometimes want to. But I could if I so chose.

If you feel the need to have your own thoughts and opinions voiced, make your own Facebook account and blog. You can say what you there. If you find that you are afraid to own up to any of your thoughts, feelings, opinions, and rants than I would highly suggest posting anonymously HERE, HERE, HERE , or HERE .

Point blank: I DO NOT post hurtful or mean things (even though I may want to at times.) Facebook and my blog are MY outlets. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't have anything complimentary to say about my Facebook status, pics, or blogs: don't say it. Chances are I'll ream you out and delete your post. In extreme cases, I will delete people from my Facebook and block if necessary. Get your own space and get off mine.

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