Discovering myself through this journey called Postpartum Depression. Here are my thoughts, feelings, opinions, and insights as felt through this sometimes debilitating disorder.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Cooking/Baking Therapy

The quickest thing I learned about becoming a mom is that NOTHING is predetermined by me!! Everything is on the baby's time; eating, sleeping, pooping, playing, EVERYTHING! I quickly realized I can't even go poo on my own time!! So I'd wait to go to the bathroom until I knew I could pee and poo in peace!! LOL If the baby suddenly and unexpectedly started screaming while I was on the john and my husband came a-knocking, I'd shout back, "Can't a woman poo in PEACE!" LOL ;)

Every PPD woman NEEDS an outlet, for her safety and sanity and those of her family and friends. It can be anything, taking a leisurely shower or walk, scheduling a spa and massage day, shopping, scrapbooking, cooking, baking, blogging, SOMETHING! Whatever it is, make sure you MAKE time to do it. Give the baby to someone else for a determined amount of time and go do what you love!! It is sooo important for the PPD woman to gain back that sense of self she loses when she has a child. That sense of self I'm speaking of is the independent decision making she loses when everything is on baby's time.

Knowing all this, I decided to do something for ME, for no one else but purely for MY enjoyment. And it's become my therapy on rough PPD days. :)

For me, it became cooking and baking. I've been married 2 years as of Sept 6th, 2010. I didn't even know how to boil pasta when we came home from the honeymoon and here I am 2 years later, competent and CONFIDANT in the kitchen! I am sooo proud to say that! :)

Almost immediately after we got married, we realized we were friendless, so to speak. We had moved from Upstate NY to CT and didn't really know anyone. So it became my goal to have people over my house for dinner every week so we could get to know people.So what started as having 1 person come over 2 years ago has now spanned into a weekly Tuesday Night Dinner with 12-14 of us! :) Cooking for The Crew (as we refer to us), has given me reason to learn how to cook and expand my cooking repertoire to fit everyone's taste palates. Keeping in mind that one person is a vegan, one doesn't eat veggies, one doesn't eat pork, one doesn't eat chicken or pork has forced me to get creative at times and I LOVE IT! I've grown to live for Tuesday Night Dinners. It gave me a reason to get in the shower and get dressed, force myself into a good attitude and not bite people's heads off! LOL

I felt most like my pre-baby self when I hosted dinner and cooked enough for an army (did I mention I cook for mostly guys that eat ALOT?!)... So, we ended up hosting dinner a few weeks in a row and I even went so far as to invite people over for dinner other nights of the week, too. It got to the point that I was hosting dinner 3 times a week for a month or two. My wallet didn't appreciate it none but my husband got so sick of the mood swings, he said if hosting made me feel normal then let's have people over every night of the week! LOL

On my most terrible days, I'd look up some (in my opinion) extravagant new recipes to try and head to the store for ingredients then kick everyone outta the kitchen, yelling, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" and whip up a masterpiece! It's become my therapy. The sense of accomplishment I feel when I create something new, from scratch, makes me feel WONDERFUL and PROUD! I get such a great boost of confidence when I taste something amazing I created! But the biggest confidence builder for me is when others try my food and want left overs! As a (at times) severly PPD woman, my self esteem gets very low and I think all the compliments I receive for my cooking and baking is (in part) why I love to do it so much! I feel so good about myself afterwards! Knowing that I can bring a bright spot to someone's day with my food gives me a sense of purpose and in turn, brings back a sense of self.

So whatever it is that you are passionate about, from one PPD woman to another, GO DO IT and do it with pride!! :)

**Mini Cherry Cheesecake Bites pictured below


  1. Looks yummy :D Good for you for giving yourself room to rejuvenate!

  2. I loved reading this! I love having people over for dinner as well. You're right it gives you a reason to shower AND do your While I do not have PPD with Mason I believe I suffered from it with Ryan and having people over who appappreciate everything you are doing is a huge self esteem/mood booster.
